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by Harold Hunter Foundation

Miles Jackson

Hola! My name is Miles Jackson and I'm the Co-Founder & Executive Director of Cuba Skate, a nonprofit initiative to support skateboarding in Cuba. We've been working with HHF for almost a year now and look forward to bringing a group of HHF youth to Cuba to participate in service-oriented trips. INTERNATIONAL SKATE/SERVICE TRIPS These trips are a social justice-oriented, experiential service-learning and cultural exchange program. It harnesses the transformative power of skateboarding to unite youth across cultural divides, empower them to actively give back to the community, and help them to realize that even with extremely limited resources they can still have a positive impact on the world. We provide inner-city NYC skaters age 18-25 with an opportunity to travel abroad with pros/ams, make cross-cultural connections with youth in developing countries, and engage in community service projects. We partner with local skaters and NGOs/non-profits to connect with and give back to the local community through skateboarding. Service projects include assisting in building/maintaining local skate parks/spots and providing skate clinics, but can include non-skate related activities developed in consultation with local partner organizations (e.g., digging fresh water wells, painting murals, planting trees, etc.).

If you are having trouble donating to this campaign, please contact [email protected] for assistance.


Transforming Lives Through Skateboarding. 

Your support will help:

Expand the programs we provide for inner city NYC youth. Our programs currently serve approximately 65 youth each summer. The money raised in this campaign will allow us to serve up to 100 youth in summer 2015 and extend select programs into the school year.

Why we need your help:

Over 30% of NYC youth live at or below the poverty level. Over 20% of youth of color in NYC age 16-24 are not working or attending school.

Low-income NYC youth are at high risk for high school drop-out, unemployment, violence, and a variety of health conditions that can be prevented or reduced through regular physical activity and engagement in interest-driven learning activities.

Skateboarding offers a healthy outlet that helps develop improved self-control, focus, and commitment, and offers a positive diversion from less healthy and potentially destructive activities. HHF programs harness the power of skateboarding to transform the lives of youth age 6 to 30.

Click on the images below to watch videos about our programs:


More about Harold and HHF:

Harold Hunter was an iconic NYC skateboarder who came from nothing and had the opportunity to see the world because of his skateboard. He had limitless potential, but died tragically in 2006. We believe that skateboarding offers enormous life lessons that enriched Harold’s life and provided him with unseen opportunities to experience the world in a way that kids from his background rarely do.

The Harold Hunter Foundation (HHF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, grassroots, skateboard community-based organization. Our mission is to use skateboarding as a vehicle to provide inner-city youth like Harold with valuable life experiences that nurture individual creativity, resourcefulness, and the development of life skills. We strive to provide a network of support, resources, and opportunity for NYC skateboarders so that they can reach their full potential as skateboarders and as people.

About the Rewards

* Additional costs for international shipping.